
Back to a social diagnosis of mental health conditions

ka233 刺鸟栖息地 2022-07-17


关键词:社会 社工 抑郁症 精神健康


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This article is adapted from the ending of a 2017 paper on depression-related social work. The paper presented several case studies from field research. Its original publication here was inspired by another article dealing with the systemic difficulties faced by delivery people. In fact, the observation about systemic difficulties also applies to the mental health field. Be it for the helper or the helped, deep-rooted structural problems underlie all surface issues.

In this article, we hope to illustrate the reasons why we call ourself an "atypical NGO". We will also explain why intervention for mental illnesses is not a simple matter of treatment or liberation. Treatment in the clinical sense, and liberation in the Foucauldian sense.


Life's multiple truths

福柯——田野里至少有三位患者和我夸赞过他——将人文科学(包括社会工作)描述为“真理游戏(truth games)”,通过这种游戏,人类主体渴望去了解自身的真相,并且积极参与到通过护理实践寻找这一真理的过程。
Foucault — praised by at least three patients in my field research — called human sciences (including social work) truth games. Through these games, human subjects attempt to learn about their own truth. At the same time, they also actively participate in the discovery of truth. In the social work field, the latter is achieved by means of caring practice.

In our field research, patients were not the only "game players". However, since our focus was on them, we were more disposed to see things from their perspective. In this game, one interviewee Miaomiao chose to partner with traditional Chinese medicine to produce their own self-truths, whereas Huohuo assumed a role that took commands from doctors and therapists. We can safely predict that more and more people will partake in this game. For individuals, it will be a hard journey of self-rediscovery. At the societal level, it will be some kind of a massively multiplayer game about different life views.

We don't just look for truths. We also create them. This also applies to social workers. Treatment or management? Be patients' enemy or friend? These types of questions may all contribute to the construction of our truth.

I'm reminded of what my friend Wang's statement: "With a single counter-example, you lose the privilege of reaching a conclusion." I remember equally well what Yuemo said: "People might have opposite views."

在一个不存在终极知识的世界中,社会工作要何去何从?我没有办法给出答案。但是这篇文章的写作本身或许就是答案。把各种各样的生活真理都讲述出来,尽管这样的讲述是局部的和片刻的,或许只有这样,社会工作才有可能“在现代性的尽头,承受动摇我们灵魂的凛冽狂风(Chambon, Irving, & Epstein,1999)”。
In a world where the ultimate knowledge is absent, where should social work go? I don't have an answer. But this article itself might hold a key to it. Narrate all kinds of life truths, even if the narration is partial and momentary. This is perhaps the only way through which social work can bear the winds that shake our soul at the end of modernity (paraphrased from Chambon, Irving, & Epstein,1999).

Photo shot near Anding Hospital, one of the most reputable psychiatric hospitals in China
The banner reads: "No Shots No Medications Completely Eradicate Depression Obsession Fear Anxiety Paranoia Insomnia"

Social workers for the society

"We must bear in mind that 'society' is in the name of 'social work'. Therefore, it has its social implications. Social work must tend equally to its two major goals: caring for individuals and promoting social changes. The social work professional cannot only focus on the former whiling ignoring the 'social' goal. They should believe that personal treatment and the practice of social justice are not mutually exclusive. Promoting social changes and social justice is not equivalent to ignoring the treatment of actual people. Nor does being passionate about clinical treatment imply the abandonment of the social justice mission. "
——Dr. KAM Ping Kwong 

In this article, we have chosen to depict depression not as a mere clinical diagnosis, but also as the carrier of a myriad of social meanings. This begs some further questions. First, in which ways can the social meanings of depression converge with the social meanings of social work? And once converged, how can they together guide our practice?

Viewing the helped as complete human subjects with their own background, experience, and feelings, rather than just seeing diseases and difficulties — this is an idea that social workers are already fairly familiar with. In Chapter 3, we looked at some concrete difficulties that patients experienced. Facing these pains together with them has always been one of social workers' responsibilities. In Chapter 4, we looked at the dissatisfaction of students with depression towards the response system of their schools. We saw how badly they wanted their rights and interests to be advocated. This requires social workers to create and maintain a hospitable environment for them. In Chapter 5, we saw the oppression that the paternalistic-medical model imposed on patients. This calls for more patient rights as well as autonomy-promoting models.

The above is in alignment with both of the previously-cited goals: treating and changing individuals on one hand, social reform and social justice on the other.

But this is not all. In our view, social workers can understand the “social” as carrying even more layers of senses.

The first layer concerns the way in which social workers should understand the sufferers' condition. To which extent can their depression be seen as pathological? And to which extent can it be attributed to culture’s shaping force? Does the sufferer view depression as an affliction to get rid of? Or, do they actively embrace the label as some sort of strategy? If we only see clinical definitions with no regard to the social layers, we might ignore the complexity of the reality and fall into the trap of dogmatic categorization. Diagnosis of depression is on the rise. Awareness of depression is in the spotlight. In this context, the "social" perspective for social workers is not simply a matter of evaluating service users based on their social background. We also need a "social construction" perspective, one that accounts for the ways the sufferers formed their own opinion about their depression.

The second layer concerns the range of social work services and its methods. Most mental health social workers are concentrated in a tiny number of hospitals and communities. Most of the patients interviewed in this article have never been hospitalized, although some of them "should" be so from a clinician’s view. And they are likely never going to get hospitalized. They might not even stay in one community for long. How can social workers bring services to them? Furthermore, with private counselling gaining more and more popularity, how can social workers find a differential way towards development?

Photo shot in the "suicide forest" in Japan

We have, since long, focused on individuals with depression. We regard them as subjects with disease or pain and who integrate social, historical, and body experiences in specific contexts. However, this subjectivity is getting dismantled by the modern prevention method with risk tracking at its core (Rabinow, 1996). When it comes to depression, social service users are transitioning from individual cases to the communities.

This subtle adjustment of service range poses new requirements on work approaches.

In terms of service approach, social works should combine the macro with the micro. As an "atypical NGO", A Perch for the Thorn Birds tries to integrate the strengths of the social work profession. For example, we have organized offline discussions, online live-streaming sessions, and written online articles. We encourage sharing and listening. We offer different views on the phenomenon of depression as well as definitions of depression that are not restricted to the medical. We speak up to create impact, using diverse methods like filming, theatre, and others.

In these practices, the audience is not a specific person, but rather a type of people. These types of support in a more public sphere respond not only to depression sufferers' needs for changes in public opinions, but also to the general population's thirst for knowledge. They can thus assist the concrete social work done at the micro level. What's more, they liberate social workers from our fixed professional role, and give us the flexibility to venture out and try more things. This can enrich our profession.At the same time, psychiatric and other mental health professionals are stepping out of their niches. Some have created influential social media accounts. We social workers are by and large absent in this regard and can learn from them. We may try to find forms of practice that suits us, provide differential services, and speak up from different angles. This can not only help those with depression, but also contribute to our uniqueness as a profession.

Dr. KAM Ping Kwong (2010) called on social workers to regain social nature of social work, noting that social work was moving towards individual counselling at the expense of its social callings. He argued that what came with the specialization within the field was its "desocialization". He also suggested that we break the boundary between macro and micro interventions, and considered advocacy and promotion to be every social worker's responsibility. One might say that addressing these detailed issues might be too early for Chinese mainland, where the profession is still in its formative stages. I beg to differ. For our Hong Konger counterpart, regaining social nature of social work is a rejustment. While for social workers in Chinese mainland, it is a direction that we can choose right now.

Photo shot at an exhibition organized by A Perch for the Thorn Birds


Back to a social diagnosis

A finance professional once came to our event. When we were talking in private, he confided in me that he was not depressed, just angry and stressed. He talked about how his parents in his hometown were pressuring him to get married. One day, deep at night, he messaged me a question:
"How do you outgrow your family of origin's shadow? "
Instead of turning on my empathetic listener mode, I asked a question:
"Where did you learn about the expression, 'family of origin?'" It is a psychology term after all.
He told me how he learnt the expression from social media, and said:
"It seems about right. If they didn't use this expression, I wouldn't be always thinking about my parents and whatnot."

Then he started to elaborate on how his colleague, being a Beijing-native, didn’t have to work as hard as him and the difficulty of escaping the social class that came with his humble origins. He wanted to express how unjust the society was, but phrased it as family of origin's influence. Indeed, the popularization of mental health concepts resulted in personal interpretations based on one's life experience and understating of one’s own reality. Depression, with its ambiguous definition, can turn into a container of different meanings.

I’m not sure if these pop psychology terms will help people reconcile with themselves or aggravate their inner conflicts. I’m equally unsure whether reflection and questioning will bring about more closure or more cynicism. In any event, the most widely used words are shaping the majority's perceptions.

Free association about "depression" in a group work

国家卫计委在最近的新闻发布会上说,我国精神卫生工作内容正在逐步拓展,医疗机构积极探索开展心理健康服务。精神卫生似乎和心理健康是等价的存在,预防性的管理和直接的诊疗被认为同样重要。医生把心理咨询当作辅助治疗,咨询师则把医生当作定海神针。那社工要站在哪里呢?是做直接治疗的辅助者?是做强调风险的管理者?还是其他?在香港,先行者们已经体会到了类似的矛盾:社会工作者只得以“院舍化(institutionalization)”“社会控制(social control)”和“职事化(task oriented)”的模式推行实务,但对外宣传和机构服务承诺上又以“参与”“溶入”“社区照顾”作为包装(叶锦成,2012)。对于大陆的社工来说,情况可能更加复杂。
In a recent press release, authority from China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission said psychiatric work was expanding in the country and medical institutions were actively carrying out mental health services." Mental health and psychiatry were seen as equivalent, with proactive prevention and diagnosis and treatment put on an equal footing. In reality, doctors regard therapies as auxiliary treatment. Therapists also see doctors as a source of reassurance. But where do social workers stand? Treatment assistants? Risk managers? Or something else? Social workers in Hong Kong have already experienced a similar conundrum (Ye, 2012): social workers carried out their practices in the form of "institutionalization" and "social control" in a "task-oriented" manner. However, when it came to publicity and service promises, they had to use expressions in the style of "participation", "integration" and "community care". In Chinese mainland, the situation may be even more complex.

Before starting the field research, words like "power" and "discipline" often came to my mind. I started my journey more or less with similar thoughts in mind, believing that people with depression might prefer being "liberated" rather than being "treated". After actually interacting with them, I discovered that most of them would focus on the topics of treatment and self-management when they discussed with me. With complaints and dissatisfaction indeed, but still a far cry from resistance. As a matter of fact, more and more patients have actively engaged themselves in depression-related personal and social initiatives. These initiatives in turn reshape the meaning of the illness. More ordinary people are examining themselves with knowledge from the psychiatric and psychological fields. They assess their emotions and cognitions, and willingly team with mental health professionals to help themselves make adjustments in life. To better understand the present, neither condemning biomedicine of arrogance nor blaming reductionism or individualism is of any use. We have entered an era where the medicine, human life and bio-tech have become political in a generalized way (Rose, 2001). With caring for lives being the theme of human life today, we are no longer faced with a simple question of treatment or liberation.

在本文即将收笔的2017年5月,我收到了来自田野调查对象双黄酮的信。她对我说,“去年的这个时候,大概是病情稍微好转一点,面对每天没有什么起伏的心情既然会感到惶恐。当时最喜欢的一句歌词是‘Everything is in order in the black hole’,是的,万物有序。但是感觉有什么东西在暗处蛰伏。”她的话放到我写作本文的初衷上也意外地合适。作为一个在现有的精神卫生实践中不得劲儿的社会工作学生,我总觉得在看起来是那么回事儿的事情下还蛰伏着许多不是那么回事儿的东西。
While finalizing this article in May 2017, I received a letter from an interviewee nicknamed Shuanguangtong. She wrote: "Around the same time last year, I was maybe feeling a bit better, but I'd still feel panic when faced with my bland mood with no swing. At that time, my favorite song lyrics was 'everything is in order in the black hole'. Yes, everything was in order. But something felt lurking in the dark." Oddly enough, her words also apply to the purpose of my writing. As a social worker student that still has much to learn from practice, I feel that behind a lot of things that look quite in order, lurk many others that are not.

In this picture of depression, some areas are underexposed, like the darkness submerging the depressed; some are so bright that they become blinding, like the advancements in genome sequencing. The bright, the dark, and the foggy gray, all woven together, an odd light display. We reinterpret life and we reshape it.

一个世纪之前,在《社会诊断》这本社工经典著作中,Richmond(1917)认为 “诊断”概念的使用就像其他科学领域一样,特指对具体某个服务对象或受助者的社会状况(或社会情境)和人格进行精确的界定。对今天的社工来说,这样的事情变得越来越复杂。依附在其他学科的诊断上闷头做事搞不好会让社工离需要帮助的人越来越远,社工给出自己的诊断仍然充满必要。
A century ago, in her classic on social work Social Diagnosis, Richmond (1917) defined the concept of “diagnosis” in a way consistent with typical definitions in scientific fields as an accurate characterization of the social conditions (or social circumstances) and personality of a specific service user or attendee. For social workers today, things like diagnosis are more complicated than ever. If we, social workers, continue to rely on diagnoses from other disciplines and bury ourselves in task execution without any second-thoughts, it will probably divert us from the people in need. It is fully necessary for us to have the ability to issue diagnoses of our own.


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精神健康艺术团体。以超越学科的视角看待精神健康议题,身体力行促进知识和经验的生产, 秉持社会正义的理念, 探索多元介入的可能。开展同伴教育、 互助团体、 讲座沙龙等经典项目, 也通过影像研习、 影像制作、 戏剧演出、艺术展览等各种艺术创新方式进行精神健康大众传播。连续五年举办精神健康艺术展览。与多所高校合作, 组织教学和培训。曾获北京尚善公益基金会、 706空间青年基金、 银杏基金会、 爱德基金会支持。

